Plasticity Event Draws Recyclers and Designers

Plasticity Event Draws Recyclers and Designers

The Plasticity Forum in London offered speakers on the topic of plastic sustainability, with challenges and opportunities that included the manufacturing needs for an innovative single-material shampoo bottle, the use of calcium carbonate from large volumes of egg shells as a filler for any types of polymers which can benefit from its inclusion.

Giulio Bonazzi, chairman and CEO of Italy’s Aquafil Group, spoke about his firm’s fiber recycling capacities from carpet tiles and used fishing nets. Aquafil has a program with carpet maker Interface that sources fishing nets from local communities in the Philippines and Cameroon. Bonazzi and Miriam Turner from Interface said that “over 100 tons of nets have been collected, with over 55,000 families impacted by a cleaner environment, and over 600 families now having access to micro finance as a result of the Net-Works program.”